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“I am the daughter of the sun and moon.  And even though I have been born into this world, my race is of the stars.” -Unknown

We are a group of spiritually inclusive persons who not only enjoy the spiritual work that we do in our community but also seek to educate those who inquire within.  We bear no ill will toward others on our journey in life. Join us as we celebrate Samhain and another cycle through the seasons with old and new friends who continue to enlighten and encourage each of us on our path.  We would like to use this time to not only establish new bonds with those who seek growth, but strengthen the bonds that we've neglected. We strive to make this year's pagan gala spectacular, including the years to follow.  We achieve this with the help of those around us.  Thank you for the support from our spiritual brothers and sisters, our local community and very special thanks go out to our sponsors, vendors, entertainers and artisans to which all of this is made possible.  Blessed be!

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